The Jank Files - Episode 5

The Jank Files - Episode 5

We all expected Northstar to be dry, loose, and rough. Well, it delivered on all fronts. The tracks raced were some of the gnarliest we’ve seen this year and the combination of moon dust and boulders meant staying upright was a gamble on every stage. Jesse, Rémi, Andréane, and Peter navigated the jank and put down some incredible runs and impressive results.

Between Rémi’s budding slopestyle career, Jesse’s broken hand grip mods, and ALN’s on-the-fly packing, the team joined Peter Ostroski in America and took on California in style. Now that the dust is settled, check out Episode 5 of The Jank Files.

Filmed by Caldwell Visuals
Photos by Dave Trumpore

A big thank you to all our sponsors!
Race Face, Maxxis, Fox, Shimano, Smith Optics, WTB, OneUp Components, Stages Cycling, Peaty’s Products, EVOC, RideWrap